Wednesday, October 17

Resident Evil 3:Extinction

Okay, okay, i know these films dont have a good rep amongst horror movies. but this ,im happily surprised to say, is easily the best of the trilogy and superior to more big budget films like 2004's dawn of the dead remake for example.

So heres the basic outline. The T-virus wasnt contained in racoon city , it whent global. After it turned the worlds population into zombies ,apparently the T-virus is a little more tame in the movies, that or hunters, lickers and giant pythons would be too expensive, and after the people were all gone it turned onto the planet itself. plants died, the oceans dried up, the harsh desert that remained is slowly taking any signs of man below the surface whilst the walking dead scour the earth looking for the few surviving humans alive.

So just a bit post-apocalyptic then.

I have to say whilst the number of monsters was dissapointing there were some nice touches to the resi mythos in there. Zombie crows, including a homage to "the birds". wesker makes his appearance as the (supposed) head of all that remains of umbrella inc. a tyrant (finally) and claire redfeild making an appearance to name but a few.

The structure of the film shines compared to the others.Its concise and every shot appears thought out,.So there arent parts you could skip on a dvd .Its all ,from beginning to end, releative to the cliff hanger ending to the plot.

My personal view is that its a great movie for a one off viewing in the cinema. but im not sure if its a must own dvd. especially since the person i whent to see it with was literally so bored he kept trying to strike up a conversation with me as it played. I myself how ever was ingrossed in the movie.It does overplay some tricks like the "jump" after a silence, or a character looking across the screen and behind him to the side comes a zombie, i mean sure its been done before but its remained effective here throughout.

So can i recommend this?...yes. wether your a fan of the games or just horror movies even as a stand alone film resident evil extinction is one of the most enjoyable horror films of 2007 thats a bit of brainless fun and action that fans of transformers or 28 weeks later will enjoy.


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